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To Go Blog or not To Go Blog?
Tue 24/06/2008

Mood:  lazy
Topic: Immersion


a lot has happened, I will share: 

After arriving in Kara, I think it's safe to say we all had grand ideas despite habitually reassuring each other that we came with completely open minds. The first morning, Ted and I got up at 5am and ran. We have not run since. 

We worked diligently on converting an ODOT site assessment form into an ETHOS site assessment form. This would become the basis of our work here in Togo as well as serve as a guideline on how to effectively assess future ETHOS sites. We are not only paving the way here in Togo, but also for the ETHOS program to grow through means of a systematic guide to assessing new sites.

That night, the brothers included us in their annual dinner to celebrate the end of a good school year and the commencement of their 'vacation season’—A symbolic, one last get-together. We ate at the House of Congress. Each plate was about 4,000 FCFAs a piece not including drinks. Approx 450 FCFAs = $1 (This was an expensive meal).

In the subsequent days we took a few tours of Kara and the surrounding area. We met Leopold who is friends with Father Hugo and owns “Gallarie D’Art”. We met a couple other small shop owners and friends of the brothers. We met all the brothers and the priests. We met many of the sisters and Théo the cook. We met others as well. Bro. Max used his very persuasive influence to give us an inside peek at Kara. He smooth talked the guards at the gate into granting us access to Radio Kara (see video + pics); he helped us discover AED, the Peace Corps AIDs center in Kara. We went to the Brewery where all the variety of beers and sucre drinks are made—Fanta, Fanta Pamplamouse, Awooyo, Flag, Eku, Guiness, Castelle. We stopped at a local business called “Group of Young Welders”. We met a young guy working there who Teddy and I would later befriend. After all the touring was done, we had an official meeting with the brothers. We discussed everyone’s roles, everyone’s calendars, the founding of this new collaborative relationship and general subject matter over cold bottled coke and the faint murmur of a “futbol match” on the television in the background.

Down to business. We picked up a cell phone from a “Togo Cellulaire” booth, of which there are many, many. Two bikes as well. Teddy and I felt a sort of independence. With our new cell phone and the brothers’ eyes over my shoulders, I called and set up meetings with different contacts. Some were expecting us, but for many, our story had to be recounted…why we are here, what we are seeking, why it benefits them. Biking around Kara became Teddy and my new thing.

He likes to go fast haha. Real fast. Me, I prefer a leisurely pace. So we trade off and on. But the bikes really helped us get to know the town quickly. Maroc’s, the German owned supermarket (the prefix “super” not really applicable), the post office, the bank, the Young Welder’s place of business, the bridge, the river, the stadium (walled in soccer field), were opened up to us.

Brother Moses also took us on a bike ride. We rode West. We saw the president’s father’s house. We saw the village of well-diggers. We met his deceased brother’s family. We met Mary, his good friend at S.O.S (see video + pics). S.O.S is an orphanage and we promised her we’d come back. And we did, of course with some little gifts and candy and kids songs I had burned onto a CD.

At the post office, Malcolm and I bought some stamps for collecting. He bought more than I did, and several of the post office employees thought we were crazy. Buying so many and not even going to use them?! Our interaction with proprietors and upper managers and generally with everyone we meet is done in back rooms or their office. It is much more personal than in the states. In the States I have encountered, many times, difficulty trying to access figures of authority in organizations. That is one great thing I have come to appreciate about Togo. They don’t bury you in layers. You don’t have to battle your way through mounds of bureaucracy. The US would do well to relearn this. I think of Mr. Sam Walton as I write this.

We also met with M. Baba of University of Kara. This was the single biggest linguistic challenge up to this point. I felt the pressure of the professional atmosphere and the translation process was very sequential. Malcolm would talk. I would translate. M. Baba would respond. I would translate. Then the process would start over. Sometimes it would reverse. Sometimes I would be working the process forwards and backwards at the same time. This was the first of many sessions as a translator to come.

We met with M. Ayia of the Agricultural Company. President Kadafe’s visit to Kara made traveling much more difficult as there were many roadblocks and increased security. All this time we worked on refining our Site Assessment document when not out meeting and corresponding with Universities, NGOs and local businesses.

On our second Sunday, we hiked up the nearby mountains. They call them mountains but they’re really just BIG hills. There we met with a Yovo named Essesoloman. This is a name given to him by the villagers which means “God’s Love” in the local language of Kabiere. I have picked up some greetings and passing phrases in Kabiere. He is a linguist whose aim is to simplify the written form of Kabiere. We met with him to pry a little bit of wisdom from his 20+ years experience of living here. Also, to find out if he knew of any organizations working on projects similar to our intended. In the village we also attended mass. It was exactly what I had hoped it would be. Mass started late because the priest had finished his sermon in the valley late due to a few unexpected baptisms. But he walked up the mountain in his white cassock in no time and after recovering his breath a little, it began. Teddy, Malcolm, me, and Eric a Marianist novice and our leader sat in the back row surrounded in front and on the sides by children twisted in their seats to look at the Yovos. Wide eyed and mouths agape, a few of the more courageous came up to us, shook our hands in the traditional Togolese manner then said “BYE-BYE”…eager to show off their English skill. Song and dance and celebration were the themes of the next 3 hours.

I had to cancel our rendez-vous with Bouoti, a first year student who we’d made friends with because after descending we were tired and were more than happy to indulge in the Togolese/European “repos” after lunch time—the equivalent of South America’s “siestas”. We met up with him and his friend two days later though. Together we took to the market to haggle over soccer balls. I ended up getting one for 3,500 FCFAs. 

Bro. Moses took us one day to Cocedri, the Marianist run NGO in Sotouboua. This was our second visit. Moses’ sister in law and her two kids Constantine and Jeremy went with us. Here we were explained the business. The simple yet revolutionary idea behind it is Autonomy. I don’t believe this can be found in any other Togolese owned and operated organization in Togo. I am very impressed b their accomplishments, vision and goals. I am sure collaboration can be set up between UD Ethos and Cocedri. In fact, as I write this I am in Lome to see Malcolm off and when Théo and I return to Kara, we are going to stop in Sotouboua at Cocedri for a few days to explore further what projects are available and what kind of engineering students it would take to tackle these projects.

Having gotten contact information of Peace Corps volunteers from Brownie Lee in Lome we contacted them and arranged to have lunch at Maroc’s. That day we also got in touch with a local business that sells solar powered lamps. Played a little soccer in the evening and went out that night with two Peace Corps girls as our guides. Again on Thursday we met with M. Baba and he took us to meet with the Vice President of the university. I brought many gifts courtesy of so many of YOU that wherever we go, I am able to hand out a little something or another. The young kids especially like these things. And I think they benefit the most.


This is plenty to read for the time being, and I want to post this before the internet goes out again. So I leave it at…


….to be continued.

Posted by Ali Hashemi at 5:34 PM EDT
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Time flies...and so too does Malcolm
Topic: Immersion
Internet is working for the first time in 5 days but only in a couple minute bursts, so I will copy what I wrote in Word and paste it here.

Posted by Ali Hashemi at 2:50 PM EDT
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Sun 08/06/2008
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Earth Wind and Fire

Whoo Hoo!

 We made it to Kara. The drive was approx. 5 1/2 hours but the road condition was considerably better than the other roads we had experienced. This road and the main road in Lome are just fine, it was only when you deviate from these main roads that the roads become more like a Motocross XGAMES ramp park.

 We left about 7am yesterday in Bro. Max's 4x4 land rover. Leaving Lome was a neat experience. It was a saturday and saturday morning are when many Togolese "faire du sport" or exercise. There were lots of people running in the streets and some large groups running together for exercise. In addition to this was the regular beehive of traffic. Cars going every which way, often directly at us to avoid pot holes only to veer back into their own "lane" before colliding. I have to say I am used to this. You pretty much have to after the first day (Momma, one minute driving in traffic here and you'd never feel the need grab the safety rail in the passenger seat when you drive with me!) There are many downed trucks laden with goods coming or going (see pictures). But once we were essentially out of the big Capital city of Lome, traffic lightened and we could cruise off and on at about 100km/hr  (60 mph). Honking at other drivers here is not an act of aggression like in the state, it is an essential form of communication. It can mean anything from "heads up" to "stay in your lane" to "move out of the way" but is rarely interpreted as a mean.


We traveled throgh several towns and villages but didn't stop until we got to Sotouboua. There we stopped at another Marianist house where they farmed a great deal of crops (vegetables, corn, mangos...) There was an engineer there who we will connect with again and possibly set up some projects with. Ted and I will be staying with them for several days in the near future and hopefully setting up some kind of micro-irrigation experimental system. There were lots of lizards basking in the hot sun. They would scurry away as soon as you came close. When we left, they gave us some fresh mango upon my request. They tasted amazing. I started eating on in the car after sanitizing it. 


We continued on from there and made our way to Kara. We are about to go to Mass right now with the Marianist brothers so I will write about Kara later. 

Posted by Ali Hashemi at 7:27 AM EDT
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Thu 05/06/2008
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Arrival

Well; weve arrived safe and sound as the saying goes. Two flights totaling about 13 has landed me in Lome, Togo. I will not type long becuase it is hot and very humid, the keyboard is french so i keep mistyping, im tired, and we are sharing the computer.

We were delayed in Cinci due to tornado warning but caught our flight in Paris on time. We arrived in Lome about 6pm (-1GMT) and it was already dark. We drove to the marianst house and if you know me you know i like to drive in tight situations, but ive never seen driving like the 10 min drive to the house lol. Motos weaving in and out, no paint on the roads, cars going around each other in no organized manner. It like everything so far was very exciting.

We will stay here in the capital for 2 days and visit the US embassy, visit Nadia's parents, and meeting with the guy whos in charge of all peace corps activity in Togo. Then we will travel 5 hours north to Kara.

I will try to provide more names of people as i learn them better. Many use american names and i dont know their actual native names-but in time.

I sent out my first newsletter before i left. if you did not get it and would like a copy or added to the list, please let me know.

Ill fill you in more when i get to Kara

Posted by Ali Hashemi at 5:47 PM EDT
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Sun 25/05/2008
Chat Box

Well, I just added a chat box, and it shows up when I click "PREVIEW" but then does not show up when I go to the Main Blog Page !?!

SO, on the right hand side →

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Even if I'm not on, it'd be great if you'd write a quick little something to ME! =]

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Posted by Ali Hashemi at 5:46 PM EDT
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Togolese Night
Mood:  incredulous

Tomorrow, Monday, Memorial Day, I am having a "Togolese Night" at my house.

Ouboti, Nadia, Emmanuel, Abraham, Bro. Phil, Ted & Family and Me & Family will be there. 

We're going to have a camp fire, cook outside sing some songs, play a little volleyball possibly®...

Check for pictures!


9 Days!  

Posted by Ali Hashemi at 5:17 PM EDT
Updated: Sun 25/05/2008 5:23 PM EDT
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Tue 20/05/2008
RSS Feed - Suscribe for your own convenience
Mood:  not sure
Topic: Preparations

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Posted by Ali Hashemi at 1:56 AM EDT
Updated: Tue 20/05/2008 2:37 PM EDT
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Mood:  cheeky
Now Playing: Watching a documentary on Ben & Jerry's
Topic: Preparations


I will blog here, but I think I will also keep a separate journal...the link is on my "UNDER CONSTRUCTION" web site. The blog will be much more informal and may be anywhere from one word to a full page to a single picture, quote or emoticon haha. 

I'll try to keep it entertaining and refrain from posting for the sake of posting...afterall, I'm not going ther to keep a blog..but for other reasons ;)




*and yes everything misspelled in here is intentional--like I said...informal =] 

Posted by Ali Hashemi at 12:41 AM EDT
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