
Topic: Immersion
This is the first time I've been able to log into my blog for a while. The internet connection is not hard line and is satellite so if a page has video(s) or a lot of content it fails to load. But either way I need to make this quick because it will start railing again soon and you konw what that means....
Life in Kara is going well. It has been raining the past three days with 20-30 minute non-rain periods a couple times a day. This means the generator has been raunning almost non stop. We've been managing to stay pretty dry except for sunday after attending mass that we were invited to by a local friend Fransisca. We left on our bikes and it started raining. Ted almost got hit by a motorcycle crossing the road (a lot easier than you might imagine) then we sought shelter in Fransisca's friend's cabine before the heavy rain came crashing down.
Speaking of ted and motorcycles, he actually did get hit yesterday! He wasnt hurt and the bike only ended up costing 3 dollars (1,500 FCFAs) to fix. We came up to a round-a-bout and the traffic lights were out (because the electricity was out...) and we stopped because the cross traffic was coming strong. There were several others nearby who were stopped as well waiting for a chance to cross. SCREEEECH BOOM I look over and Ted is half on the ground and there's a motorcycle practically on top of his bike. The guy on the motorcycle stopped and we exchanged some words, but he was nice and made sure Theo was all right before I told him he could drive off. It wasnt until we started riding again that we noticed Teds back tire rim was warped. We took it too our buddy who sold us the bikes just up the road and now its just a good story to tell. But, I should note, ted has had some really bad luck through out this trip when it comes to riding. He got a bad gash in his leg from the bike, his bike parts fall off at random times, and when we went to get our tires filled with air mine filled fine but his exploaded! Dont worry though...C'est l'Afrique.
Every day there are stories like this (except less dangerous) and Ted and I created a list of things that would have been useful to know before coming.
Our perspectives are changing too. But thats a blog for another time.
Some notable events:
We worked in the corn fields in Sotouboua from 8-Noon and walked away burned, sweatiest weve ever been in our lives, backs hurting, and 4 or 5 blisters each. The hired workers said we worked like champions though. We were given the kiddie hoes to use... Chook, the local drink was supplied to us once about 1 1/2 hour in. Its strong and still fermenting, but they drink it like water here and in fact if they had brought out water we wouldnt have been able to drink it...although honestly we probably would have.
Water is an issue. Ted and I sometimes drink it, but we generally feel the effects later (diaherrea). When available we drink the bottled water. It really isnt a big an issue, but its just always there in the back of your mind. If you're just conscientious of your habits, it is not difficult to avoid getting sick. It just takes certain precautions that if not habitual, are easy to forget...brushing teeth with bottled water, asking before a meal what youre eating and where its from...etc.'s beginning to rain so I want to publish this post while I still have the chance!
A bientot! Thanks for all the support! If my computer ever works again there will be a lot of pictures going up! So stay tuned!